Packages made by Michael Hanke <>¶
- afni
afni (toolkit for analyzing and visualizing functional MRI data)
afni-common (miscellaneous scripts and data files for AFNI)
afni-dbg (debug symbols for AFNI)
afni-dev (header and static libraries for AFNI plugin development)
- annexremote
python3-annexremote (abstraction for git-annex special remote implementations)
- caret
caret (Computerized Anatomical Reconstruction and Editing Toolkit)
- caret-data
caret-data (common data files for Caret)
- cctools
coop-computing-tools (cooperative computing tools)
coop-computing-tools-dev (libraries and header files for coop-computing-tools)
coop-computing-tools-doc (documentation for coop-computing-tools)
python-workqueue (cooperative computing tools work queue Python bindings)
- condor
htcondor (distributed workload management system)
htcondor-dbg (distributed workload management system - debugging symbols)
htcondor-dev (distributed workload management system - development files)
htcondor-doc (distributed workload management system - documentation)
libclassad-dev (HTCondor classads expression language - development library)
libclassad8 (HTCondor classads expression language - runtime library)
- datalad
datalad (data files management and distribution platform)
python3-datalad (data files management and distribution platform)
- dcm2niix
dcm2niix (converts DICOM and PAR/REC files into the NIfTI format)
- dcmstack
python3-dcmstack (DICOM to NIfTI conversion - python3 package)
- debruijn
debruijn (De Bruijn cycle generator)
- dicomnifti
dicomnifti (converts DICOM files into the NIfTI format)
- dipy
python-dipy (Python library for the analysis of diffusion MRI datasets)
python-dipy-doc (Python library for the analysis of diffusion MRI datasets – documentation)
python-dipy-lib (Python library for the analysis of diffusion MRI datasets – extensions)
- eeglab11
eeglab11-sampledata (sample EEG data for EEGLAB tutorials)
matlab-eeglab11 (electrophysiological data analysis)
- fsl
fsl (transitional dummy package)
fsl-5.0 (transitional dummy package)
fsl-5.0-core (analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging)
fsl-core (metapackage for the latest version of FSL)
- fsl-eddy-nonfree
fsl-5.0-eddy-nonfree (correcting eddy currents and movements in diffusion data)
- fsl-feeds
fsl-feeds (FSL Evaluation and Example Data Suite)
- fsldata
fsl-5.0-doc-wiki (FSL documentation wiki)
fsl-atlases (FSL’s MNI152 standard space stereotaxic brain atlases)
fsl-bangor-cerebellar-atlas (probabilistic atlas of the human cerebellum)
fsl-first-data (model data for FIRST subcortical brain segmentation)
fsl-harvard-oxford-atlases (probabilistic atlas of human cortical brain areas (lateralized))
fsl-harvard-oxford-cortical-lateralized-atlas (probabilistic atlas of human cortical and subcortical brain areas)
fsl-jhu-dti-whitematter-atlas (human brain white-matter atlas)
fsl-juelich-histological-atlas (brain atlas based on cyto- and myelo-architectonic segmentations)
fsl-mni-structural-atlas (hand-segmented single-subject human brain atlas)
fsl-mni152-templates (MNI152 stereotaxic brain templates for FSL)
fsl-oxford-striatal-atlas (probabilistic atlas of the human brain’s sub-striatal regions)
fsl-oxford-thalamic-connectivity-atlas (probabilistic brain atlas of thalamic white-matter connectivity)
fsl-possum-data (sequence templates for the POSSUM MRI-simulator)
fsl-resting-connectivity-parcellation-atlases (brain parcellations based on resting state connectivity)
fsl-subthalamic-nucleus-atlas (probabilistic subthalamic nucleus atlas)
fsl-talairach-daemon-atlas (structural anatomy labels of the Talairach atlas)
- fsleyes
fsleyes (FSL image viewer)
- fsleyes-props
python-fsleyes-props (Python descriptor framework)
- fsleyes-widgets
python-fsleyes-widgets (Python descriptor framework)
- fslmeta
fsl-5.0-complete (metapackage for the entire FSL suite (tools and data))
fsl-complete (metapackage for the entire FSL suite (tools and data))
- fslpy
python-fsl (FSL Python library)
python3-fsl (FSL Python library)
- fslview
fslview (viewer for (f)MRI and DTI data)
fslview-doc (Documentation for FSLView)
- git-annex-adapter
python3-git-annex-adapter (call git-annex commands from within Python)
- git-annex-metadata-gui
git-annex-metadata-gui (graphical interface to the metadata functionality of git-annex)
- heudiconv
heudiconv (DICOM converter with support for structure heuristics)
- incf-nidash-oneclick
incf-nidash-oneclick-clients (utility for pushing DICOM data to the INCF datasharing server)
- indexed-gzip
python-indexed-gzip (fast random access of gzip files in Python)
python3-indexed-gzip (fast random access of gzip files in Python)
- itksnap
itksnap (semi-automatic segmentation of structures in 3D images)
- jasp
jasp (Bayesian statistics made accessible)
- lazyarray
python-lazyarray (Python module providing a NumPy-compatible lazily-evaluated array)
- matlab-support
matlab-support (distro integration for local MATLAB installations)
matlab-support-dev (helpers for packages building MATLAB toolboxes)
- mclaren-rhesus-macaque-atlas
mclaren-rhesus-macaque-atlas (MRI-based brain atlas of the rhesus macaque monkey)
- mricron
mricron (magnetic resonance image conversion, viewing and analysis)
mricron-data (data files for MRIcron)
mricron-doc (data files for MRIcron)
- mridefacer
mridefacer (de-identification of MRI data)
- mrtrix
mrtrix (diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography)
mrtrix-doc (documentation for mrtrix)
- mrtrix3
mrtrix3 (diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography)
mrtrix3-doc (documentation for mrtrix3)
- neo
python3-neo (Python IO library for electrophysiological data formats)
- neurodebian
neurodebian (neuroscience-oriented distribution - repository configuration)
neurodebian-archive-keyring (neuroscience-oriented distribution - GnuPG archive keys)
neurodebian-desktop (neuroscience-oriented distribution - desktop integration)
neurodebian-dev (neuroscience-oriented distribution - development tools)
neurodebian-freeze (nd_freeze tool to freeze APT sources to use snapshots)
neurodebian-popularity-contest (neuroscience-oriented distribution - popcon integration)
- neurosynth-data
fsl-neurosynth-atlas (neurosynth - atlas for use with FSL, all 525 terms)
fsl-neurosynth-top100-atlas (neurosynth - atlas for use with FSL, top 100 terms)
neurosynth-dataset (neurosynth - dataset of extracted terms and activations)
- nifticlib
libnifti-dev (IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format)
libnifti-doc (NIfTI library API documentation)
libnifti2 (IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format)
nifti-bin (tools shipped with the NIfTI library)
- nilearn
python-nilearn (fast and easy statistical learning on neuroimaging data (Python 2))
python3-nilearn (fast and easy statistical learning on neuroimaging data (Python 3))
- nitime
python-nitime-doc (timeseries analysis for neuroscience data (nitime) – documentation)
python3-nitime (timeseries analysis for neuroscience data (nitime))
- odin
libodin-dev (static libraries and header for ODIN sequences)
mitools (view, convert and perform basic maths with medical image datasets)
odin (develop, simulate and run magnetic resonance sequences)
- pprocess
python-pprocess (elementary parallel programming for Python)
- props
python-props (Python descriptor framework)
- psignifit3
python-pypsignifit (psychometric analysis of psychophysics data in Python)
- pydicom
python-dicom (transitional package for python-pydicom)
python-pydicom (DICOM medical file reading and writing (Python 2))
python-pydicom-doc (DICOM medical file reading and writing (documentation))
python3-dicom (transitional package for python3-pydicom)
python3-pydicom (DICOM medical file reading and writing (Python 3))
- pymvpa2
python-mvpa2 (multivariate pattern analysis with Python v. 2)
python-mvpa2-doc (documentation and examples for PyMVPA v. 2)
python-mvpa2-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for PyMVPA v. 2)
- pymvpa2-tutorialdata
python-mvpa2-tutorialdata (data files for the PyMVPA tutorial)
- pynifti
python-nifti (Python interface to the NIfTI I/O libraries)
- pynn
python-pynn (simulator-independent specification of neuronal network models)
- pysurfer
python-surfer (visualize Freesurfer’s data in Python)
- python-neuroshare
python-neuroshare (Python interface and tools for Neuroshare)
python-neuroshare-doc (Python interface and tools for Neuroshare)
- python-quantities
python3-quantities (Library for computation of physical quantities with units, based on numpy)
- rorden-mri-tutorial
rorden-mri-tutorial (Chris Rorden’s MRI analysis tutorial)
rorden-mri-tutorial-data (data files for Chris Rorden’s MRI analysis tutorial)
- spm8
matlab-spm8 (analysis of brain imaging data sequences for Matlab)
spm8-common (analysis of brain imaging data sequences)
spm8-data (data files for SPM8)
spm8-doc (manual for SPM8)
- sri24-atlas
sri24-atlas (MRI-based brain atlas of normal adult human brain anatomy)
- stabilitycalc
stabilitycalc (evaluate fMRI scanner stability)
- testkraut
testkraut (test and evaluate heterogeneous data processing pipelines)
- via
libvia-dev (library for volumetric image analysis)
libvia-doc (VIA library API documentation)
libvia2 (library for volumetric image analysis)
via-bin (tools for volumetric image analysis)
- vmri-nonfree
virtual-mri-nonfree (Virtual Magnetic Resonance Imager)
- voxbo
voxbo (processing, statistical analysis, and display of brain imaging data)