Packages made by Michael Hanke <>¶
- afni-data
afni-atlases (standard space brain atlases for AFNI)
- ants
ants (advanced normalization tools for brain and image analysis)
- arno-iptables-firewall
arno-iptables-firewall (single- and multi-homed firewall script with DSL/ADSL support)
- biosig4c++
biosig-tools (format conversion tools for biomedical data formats)
libbiosig-dev (I/O library for biomedical data - development files)
libbiosig1 (I/O library for biomedical data - dynamic library)
libbiosig1-dbg (I/O library for biomedical data - debug symbols)
octave-biosig (Octave bindings for BioSig library)
python-biosig (Python bindings for BioSig library)
- brian
python-brian (simulator for spiking neural networks)
python-brian-doc (simulator for spiking neural networks - documentation)
python-brian-lib (simulator for spiking neural networks – extensions)
- cde
cde (package everything required to execute a Linux command on another computer)
- cmtk
cmtk (Computational Morphometry Toolkit)
- connectome-workbench
connectome-workbench (brain visualization, analysis and discovery tool)
connectome-workbench-dbg (brain visualization, analysis and discovery tool – debug symbols)
- convert3d
convert3d (tool(s) for converting 3D images between common file formats)
- gifticlib
gifti-bin (tools shipped with the GIFTI library)
libgiftiio-dev (IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format)
libgiftiio0 (IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format)
- git-annex-remote-rclone
git-annex-remote-rclone (rclone-based git annex special remote)
- haxby2001
haxby2001-faceobject (face and object processing in ventral temporal cortex (fMRI))
haxby2001-faceobject-subject1 (face and object processing in ventral temporal cortex (fMRI))
haxby2001-faceobject-subject2 (face and object processing in ventral temporal cortex (fMRI))
haxby2001-faceobject-subject3 (face and object processing in ventral temporal cortex (fMRI))
haxby2001-faceobject-subject4 (face and object processing in ventral temporal cortex (fMRI))
haxby2001-faceobject-subject5 (face and object processing in ventral temporal cortex (fMRI))
haxby2001-faceobject-subject6 (face and object processing in ventral temporal cortex (fMRI))
- jist
jist (Java Image Science Toolkit)
- klustakwik
klustakwik (automatic sorting of the samples (spikes) into clusters)
- libgdf
gdf-tools (IO library for the GDF – helper tools)
libgdf-dev (IO library for the GDF – development library)
libgdf0 (IO library for the GDF (general dataformat for biosignals))
matlab-gdf (IO library for the GDF – Matlab interface)
octave-gdf (IO library for the GDF – Octave interface)
- mipav
mipav (quantitative analysis and visualization of medical images)
- mni-colin27
mni-colin27-minc (Talairach stereotaxic space template)
mni-colin27-nifti (Talairach stereotaxic space template)
- mni-icbm152-nlin
mni-icbm152-nlin-2009a (MNI stereotaxic space human brain template)
mni-icbm152-nlin-2009b (MNI stereotaxic space human brain template)
mni-icbm152-nlin-2009c (MNI stereotaxic space human brain template)
- mpi4py
python-mpi4py (bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard)
python-mpi4py-dbg (bindings of the MPI standard – debug symbols)
python-mpi4py-doc (bindings of the MPI standard – documentation)
python3-mpi4py (bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard)
python3-mpi4py-dbg (bindings of the MPI standard – debug symbols)
- neurosynth
python-neurosynth (large-scale synthesis of functional neuroimaging data)
- nibabel
python-nibabel-doc (documentation for NiBabel)
python3-nibabel (Python3 bindings to various neuroimaging data formats)
- nibabel-snapshot
python-nibabel-snapshot (Python bindings to various neuroimaging data formats)
- nipy-suite
nipy-suite (Neuroimaging in Python)
nipy-suite-doc (Neuroimaging in Python – documentation)
- nipype
python-nipype-doc (Neuroimaging data analysis pipelines in Python3 – documentation)
python3-nipype (Neuroimaging data analysis pipelines in Python3)
- openelectrophy
openelectrophy (data analysis framework for intra- and extra-cellular recordings)
python-pyssdh (data analysis framework for intra- and extra-cellular recordings)
- openmeeg
libopenmeeg-dev (openmeeg library – development files)
libopenmeeg1 (library for solving EEG and MEG forward and inverse problems)
openmeeg-tools (openmeeg library – command line tools)
python-openmeeg (openmeeg library – Python bindings)
- openpyxl
python-openpyxl (Python module to read/write OpenXML xlsx/xlsm files)
python3-openpyxl (Python 3 module to read/write OpenXML xlsx/xlsm files)
- openwalnut
libopenwalnut1 (Framework for multi-modal medical and brain data visualization)
libopenwalnut1-dev (Development files for the OpenWalnut visualization framework)
libopenwalnut1-doc (Developer documentation for the OpenWalnut visualization framework)
openwalnut-modules (Loaders, algorithms and visualization modules for OpenWalnut)
openwalnut-qt4 (Qt based user interface for OpenWalnut)
- pandas
python-pandas (data structures for “relational” or “labeled” data)
python-pandas-doc (documentation and examples for pandas)
python-pandas-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for pandas)
python3-pandas (data structures for “relational” or “labeled” data - Python 3)
python3-pandas-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for pandas - Python 3)
- patsy
python-patsy (statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas)
python-patsy-doc (documentation and examples for patsy)
python3-patsy (statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas)
- psychopy
psychopy (environment for creating psychology stimuli in Python)
- psychtoolbox-3
octave-psychtoolbox-3 (toolbox for vision research – Octave bindings)
psychtoolbox-3-common (toolbox for vision research – arch/interpreter independent part)
psychtoolbox-3-dbg (toolbox for vision research – debug symbols for binaries)
psychtoolbox-3-lib (toolbox for vision research – arch-specific parts)
- psychtoolbox-3-nonfree
matlab-psychtoolbox-3 (toolbox for vision research – Matlab bindings)
matlab-psychtoolbox-3-nonfree (toolbox for vision research – Matlab binary blobs)
octave-psychtoolbox-3-nonfree (toolbox for vision research – Octave binary blobs)
- pyepl
python-pyepl (module for coding psychology experiments in Python)
python-pyepl-common (module for coding psychology experiments in Python)
- pyglet
python3-pyglet (cross-platform windowing and multimedia library (Python 3))
- pymc
python-pymc (Bayesian statistical models and fitting algorithms)
python-pymc-doc (Bayesian statistical models and fitting algorithms)
- pymvpa
python-mvpa (multivariate pattern analysis with Python)
python-mvpa-doc (documentation and examples for PyMVPA)
python-mvpa-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for PyMVPA)
- pyoptical
python-pyoptical (python interface to the CRS ‘OptiCAL’ photometer)
- python-mne
python-mne (Python modules for MEG and EEG data analysis)
- pyxid
python3-pyxid (interface for Cedrus XID and StimTracker devices)
- pyxnat
python-pyxnat (Interface to access neuroimaging data on XNAT servers)
- scikit-learn
python-sklearn (Python modules for machine learning and data mining)
python-sklearn-doc (documentation and examples for scikit-learn)
python-sklearn-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for scikit-learn)
python3-sklearn (Python modules for machine learning and data mining - Python 3)
python3-sklearn-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for scikit-learn - Python 3)
- seaborn
python-seaborn (statistical visualization library)
python3-seaborn (statistical visualization library)
- sigviewer
sigviewer (GUI viewer for biosignals such as EEG, EMG, and ECG)
- spykeutils
python-spykeutils (utilities for analyzing electrophysiological data)
- spykeviewer
spykeviewer (graphical utility for analyzing electrophysiological data)
- statsmodels
python-statsmodels (Python module for the estimation of statistical models)
python-statsmodels-doc (documentation and examples for statsmodels)
python-statsmodels-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for statsmodels)
python3-statsmodels (Python3 module for the estimation of statistical models)
python3-statsmodels-lib (Python3 low-level implementations and bindings for statsmodels)
- xppaut
xppaut (Phase Plane Plus Auto: Solves many kinds of equations)